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About IUOE Local 501
International Union of Operating Engineers Local 501, is one of the largest Stationary Engineer Locals in the United States. Local 501 represents over 2,000 casino workers in the city of Las Vegas.
Organizing with Local 501
Learn about the organizing on the Las Vegas Strip. Local 501’s organizing effort aims to lift the standards for safety, training and compensation for maintenance engineers and slot technicians.
Local 501 Pension Fund
IUOE Local 501 is proud of its affiliation with the IUOE Central Pension Fund (CPF). Established in 1960, the CPF is the third largest multiemployer defined benefit pension plan in the United States. Upon retirement, a vested CPF participant collects monthly benefits for the rest of his or her life.
Employer Anti-Union Tactics & Employee Rights
During many organizing campaigns, employers and their hired union busters engage in tactics to disrupt or stamp out employees’ organizing efforts. This page will review some of the anti-union tactics and highlight workers’ legal rights.
Local 501’s training center in Las Vegas offers eight core classes every year along with 30 other courses available periodically. Local 501 members receive bonuses for various licenses obtained through the training center..
Info From Local 501 Contracts
IUOE Local 501 has secured improved terms and working conditions for maintenance engineers and slot technicians on the Las Vegas Strip – including at the Bellagio and the Mirage, two resorts previously run by Steve Wynn. Learn more here.
Members, Workers Speak Out
This page features Local 501 members and newly organized workers describing their own experiences with the local.